The urge is nearly uncontrollable, the frustration is undeniable and it overwhelms us every time we leave our homes. We drive along with our minds wrapped around our personal issues of the day and there it is, like an antagonistic bully or a nagging ex-wife. You know what I'm talking about, the moron that just pulled out in front of you and dropped the flow of traffic down to a trickle. You start to mumble to your self about what an idiot this guy is when you see it... the "stupid sticker". Yes, you've realized that this guy is proudly displaying his ignorance through the little round bumper sticker on his back window with an unfocused, multi-colored image of the messiah.. or perhapse the "Obama Sunrise" sticker or one of many variations of the "stupid sticker".
Is it me or are the most inconsiderate people on the road plainly marked and well defined by there unwavering support for the most un-American president in American history. It draws out the urge to yank them out of the car and shake some sense into them. This myopic fool is not satisfied with putting everyones life at risk on the highways but he proudly stomps on our way of life as well.
It amazes me how many of these stickers you see these days. It's like the "OAKLEY" stickers of the 80s and 90s. I have, however, noticed a pattern. When I'm stuck in morning traffic when everyone's going to work I see alot more republican stickers on cars... but, during work hours it seems like everyone on the road is a left wing commie. You can probably guess why that is and you're probably right.
I've also noticed that I've NEVER met a successful and productive businessman with a stupid sticker on his car. Don't start coming at me with lawyers, they couldn't successfully produce a turd if they didn't have someone to drag through court and take it from.
I've mentioned in one of my early posts that only three types of people would vote for Obama but I've realized that I left one out. Lets recap... I stated that one would have to be un-American, unintillegent or uninformed to vote for Obama and now I add.. Racist!
Let me explain...
Un-American: You completely understand and agree with his policies and are willing to fight to impose them. You think that capitalism (which is the American way) is bad and that socialism is a better route for this country. Everything Obama stands for is the extreme opposite of what this country was founded on and thus Un-American by definition, prove me wrong!
Unintelligent: You have paid attention and like the sound of what Obama is promising but are not capable of understanding how he could be considered un-American. You can be fixed, just start reading all of my posts and begin learning how things really work, prove me wrong!
Uninformed: You just chose to vote for Obama because you thought Bush and the republicans were evil. You get your news and moral guidence from the great citizens of Hollywood and you know for a fact that Sean Penn and Micheal Moore are reliable sources because everything you see in the box is real. You might be salvagable but it's going to take some impressive cerebral gymnastics to un-bend your tiny mind, prove me wrong!
Racist: Really? do I need to explain this one?.. I didn't think so..anyway, prove me wrong!
The point is... I want you morons on the left to know that you are providing a great service by displaying your stupidity on your cars and I encourage you to start getting tattoos and clothing to show your hatred for America as well (if writing out Obama is too expensive, just put up three sixes.. we'll get the point). This way if or when (God forbid) the stuff hits the fan, we real Americans will know who to kick off the island first, if you know what I mean.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
"I'll turn this car around RIGHT NOW"
So now the federal government wants to tell the NCAA how to run college football. They are working on FEDERAL LEGISLATION that prevents the NCAA from using the term "NATIONAL CHAMPOINSHIP" unless they install a government approved playoff system. Obama has promised to sign on to said legislation.
The role of the federal government deepens.. Really? I mean.. Does our federal government heve the time and money to regulate our saturday entertainment? I realize that there are many who suppoort the prospect of a playoff system, and I am one of them, but I don't see why Obama has to get involved.
Actually I do understand.. but I don't like it, neither should you. By supporting this clown in his effort to run every business and create a "Fair Society" you are admitting that you are an immature, incapable, irresponsibile child! You want to assign supreme executive power to the guy that you think will spend the same amount on everyone for christmas.
The theology of the obedient left is not about assigning power for the sake of power. I realize it often feels that way to the productive right but trust me, power is not the goal. In other words.. Obama did not lie when he said that he has no desire to own private industry. That power is merely a means to an end. He feels that he must own private enterprise in order to make things fair and equal (Which are two totaly different things).
Think of him as daddy. From the perspective of the elitist left, we are all children who are sitting in the back seat of the car and fighting over a toy. "Dad, he took my toy" says the child on the right, "Did not!" says the one on the left. "Did too" says the one on the right. "Mom gave it to me" screams the one on the left.. and so on.. and so on.. As a parent it is often hard to figure out which child is supposed to have the toy and which one is making things up just to get it. The only "fair" thing to do is to take it away from both of them. But then.. that was simply the equal thing to do, not the fair thing. The child who had the toy to start with and had earned it always loses out because the other refuses to give up the fight and causes both to lose it.
Think of politics in the same way. The "all wise" Democrats feel compelled to take things away in order to make things fair. This is not about having power but that parent like power is necessary for them to stop all of the fighting in the back seat of the car. The goal is peace and happiness but the result is hatred and resent on the part of those who have lost what they've worked for to appease those who would rather snatch the toy away and fight to keep it. Once this parental action becomes the norm then the earner will grow tired of working for the leach and both will go without.. then everything will be fair.
If you are insulted by what I've said, you should be. We are all adults here and do not need the government to tell us that we should wear a seatbelt, quit smoking, play fair, stop offending people, drive less or work hard and pay more taxes so that our brothers wont have to.
The role of the federal government deepens.. Really? I mean.. Does our federal government heve the time and money to regulate our saturday entertainment? I realize that there are many who suppoort the prospect of a playoff system, and I am one of them, but I don't see why Obama has to get involved.
Actually I do understand.. but I don't like it, neither should you. By supporting this clown in his effort to run every business and create a "Fair Society" you are admitting that you are an immature, incapable, irresponsibile child! You want to assign supreme executive power to the guy that you think will spend the same amount on everyone for christmas.
The theology of the obedient left is not about assigning power for the sake of power. I realize it often feels that way to the productive right but trust me, power is not the goal. In other words.. Obama did not lie when he said that he has no desire to own private industry. That power is merely a means to an end. He feels that he must own private enterprise in order to make things fair and equal (Which are two totaly different things).
Think of him as daddy. From the perspective of the elitist left, we are all children who are sitting in the back seat of the car and fighting over a toy. "Dad, he took my toy" says the child on the right, "Did not!" says the one on the left. "Did too" says the one on the right. "Mom gave it to me" screams the one on the left.. and so on.. and so on.. As a parent it is often hard to figure out which child is supposed to have the toy and which one is making things up just to get it. The only "fair" thing to do is to take it away from both of them. But then.. that was simply the equal thing to do, not the fair thing. The child who had the toy to start with and had earned it always loses out because the other refuses to give up the fight and causes both to lose it.
Think of politics in the same way. The "all wise" Democrats feel compelled to take things away in order to make things fair. This is not about having power but that parent like power is necessary for them to stop all of the fighting in the back seat of the car. The goal is peace and happiness but the result is hatred and resent on the part of those who have lost what they've worked for to appease those who would rather snatch the toy away and fight to keep it. Once this parental action becomes the norm then the earner will grow tired of working for the leach and both will go without.. then everything will be fair.
If you are insulted by what I've said, you should be. We are all adults here and do not need the government to tell us that we should wear a seatbelt, quit smoking, play fair, stop offending people, drive less or work hard and pay more taxes so that our brothers wont have to.
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