While most Blogs are nothing but a vent for the frustration of right thinking Amiricans, this is not my cause. I am building a link to help gather resources and take a proactive stance against the tide of socialism. My posts are meant to inform you and, when possible, help you better explain and defend our principles. We are all leaders, we are all FREEDOM FIGHTERS!

Our goal is to help coordinate as many local political groups as possible in order to create a strong and organized local movement. We would suggest that you either start a meetup group or join one that's already in place. For help go to http://www.meetup.com/ or 912 Project USA.com / For The Sake of Liberty! . With your effort and support we can become a strong force against the socialization of our great nation. If you have a suggestion or want information, please e-mail me at flounders70@aol.com .

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beer Flavored Tits

Do you remember that girl back in grade school, you know, the one that all of the guys wanted but no one really knew why. She wasn't exceptionally beautiful nor perfectly shaped and She was wildly popular but not a lot of fun. She represented the perfect girl for so many guys who really knew virtually nothing about her. Come on, you had one of those in your school and you're thinking about her right now. There is one of those in every crowd, in every walk of life and there is always a select group of guys who just don't get it. Guys who see past the projected picture of perfection and into the sad reality of a girl who is just as plain as any other. As one of those guys I would see every male for miles falling over themselves to just get a glimpse of this unspectacular specimen and I would have to ask myself what it is that drives so many fellows mad about this seemingly simple young lady. Oh! I've got it, she must have Beer Flavored Tits! That would be enough to get any man worth his salt to trail around behind one (otherwise average) chick.

This must also be the case with Bobama. He has a huge number of blind followers who have never even asked themselves why they love him. They know nothing about his socialist policies nor his history of fighting to rewrite our constitution. They have never considered his lack of executive experience nor his widespread connections to the most corrupt people in politics. They just trail along, hoping to get a taste of his beer flavored tits (sorry about that mental picture).

If you're still reading after that last paragraph you are either nodding your head in agreement.. or cursing me out for making up stories while pounding your computer desk with your race card. If you are in the ladder then you think this is all about race and it's time for you to step away from the keyboard and settle back into the "intellectually challenged" populous that I affectionately call "Myopia" (short sighted utopia). For the rest of you, it is time to enter the world of political optometry.

We must learn to provide clear sight for those who have no vision. We need to work less on those who refuse to look at the real world for what it is and focus sharply on those who just haven't seen it. The question remains, how do you tell a guy that his dream girl is more mirage then magnificence without drawing out the rebellious anger that forces him to close his eyes and walk away?

Obviously our starry-eyed friends always find out that the young princess will one day wake up a hag and that they lack the foundation that could have kept them together. The problem is that these people want to throw it all away and get us all latched onto the huge government tit before even tasting it to see if it really yields beer.

This is where you come in. I want you, the freedom fromt army, to help me come up with some questions that we can build into a test (similar to one of those gay personality tests that so many drones get such a kick out of). Questions that aren't necessarily political but speak to the fundamental ideology of an individual. I have found that most people give Conservative answers to covertly political questions until they realize that they have dropped their guard. We can use this to slowly drag the popular acceptance of an already overwhelming number of closet consrevatives back into the mainstream and cut off the evil good-doers in their tracks.

I will soon be presenting you with some examples to help you better understand my idea so keep checking in. I am also working on a post that I tentatively call " The Audacity of Mien Kampf" which will show you all of the frightening parallels between Bobama and another charismatic leader from our past and you will be shocked to see how hard it is to tell which quote is from which book.


Chris said...

I came up with a few questions to ask dems about the big "o":

what do you know about him beside the fact he is for change?

why would you vote a person in office just to make "history" instead of where they stand on issues?

why do you think a person has little experience in any office is better for the job than a person with 20 or more years experience?

how do you feel about washington telling what you can or can't do, and if you oppose their views you will be riduculed?

if there is freedom of speech with dems protesting at every bush gathering, then why are the dems trying to stop the freedom of speech of the republicans by silencing talk radio? they are angry still because its one form of media they don't control already.

why would you want to elect a person who wants to give you money, but make everybody else pay for the money that you get? if that isn't socialism, then what is.

this country is actually a republic, not a democracy. with a republic, we elect officials who represent us in govt and trust them to vote on the principles we elected them for. whereas in a democracy, people vote on everything, bogging down the govt system. if you think our courts suck now, imagine if we were a democracy!!! with a democracy, things will take muuuuucccchhhh longer to put into law, as opposed to a republic, where they have more of a speedy system due to not having to wait on a vote from 300million people on every issue.

Chris said...

I guess the question everybody should ask is.........." what would reagan or fdr do?" since the dems have a hard on for fdr. I figure we'll put the ideas ,historically what worked or didn't work, of the two presidents up to see which one sounds more rational and to see what has worked. that'll test the ideas of the dem party. reagan vs. fdr

flounder said...

The point is to sway people over to the good side, not to attack thier emotions.
Lets think of gentle questions as to not trigger an emotional outburst from the "uninformed" Bobama supporters. Remember that liberals are defined by their tendency to navigate through politics by emotional whim, not by logical reckoning. For them a fact is only true if it supports their mental justification for their ideaology.

You have to present a challenge to their own personal values and not allow them to make a connection to the "common values" (politically) of their peers, that's when the sheild goes up and the answers are put through the "socially acceptable" ringer.

Perhaps your first question should be rephraised as such..

"If you owned the most successful law office in the world and right before your partner retired you had one bad month, would you replace him with another lawyer or with the lawn guy that's been telling you that you've been doing it all wrong the whole time?"

That is a paralell question that speaks to the same set of personal values without injecting Bush derangement syndrome.

Lets tone down and hone down are strategy to (hopefully) give us a better angle on those who might be drawn from the dark side.

Chris said...

" All government is evil, but a necessary evil."

George Washington

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